Any tips on how to deal with broken business software?

Running a business is tricky enough, but it can get even trickier if your software is not functioning properly. What can you do when your business software is broken? Some of our readers had advice about the steps you should take if your business software is broken. Keep reading to find out what they suggest.
Georgia McKenzie

Georgia McKenzie

Founder and CEO of Switch on Business.

Contact The Software Vendor

    1. Contact the Software Vendor: The first step to take when dealing with broken business software is to contact the software vendor. Many vendors offer customer support that can help you troubleshoot and resolve any issues you have with their products.

    2. Perform System Maintenance: Make sure that all of your system components are up-to-date and functioning properly. This includes making sure that your operating system and other applications have the latest patches and updates installed.

    3. Test the Software: If possible, try to isolate the issue by running tests on the software to determine if it is a bug or an issue with the configuration settings. You can also consult user manuals and online resources to learn more about the software and how to configure it.

    4. Reinstall Software: If all else fails, you may need to reinstall the software from scratch. Make sure that you have a full backup of your system before doing so, as this can help minimize any data loss in case something goes wrong with the installation process.

    5. Seek Professional Help: If the problem persists or if you don’t feel comfortable troubleshooting the issue yourself, it may be best to contact a professional service provider that specializes in software repair. They can often quickly diagnose and fix broken business software with minimal disruption to your operations.

Identify the Root Cause

    1. Identify the root cause of the issue. The first step in dealing with broken business software is to identify the root cause of the problem. This may involve analyzing error logs, reviewing user feedback, or working with the software vendor to diagnose the issue. By identifying the root cause, you can develop a targeted solution and prevent recurring problems.

    2. Develop a backup plan. In the event of a software failure, having a backup plan is crucial to minimize the impact on your business operations. This may involve maintaining a duplicate system or having a contingency plan for manual operations until the issue is resolved.

    3. Communicate with stakeholders. It is essential to communicate with all stakeholders about the software issue, including employees, customers, and partners. Informing stakeholders about the issue, its impact, and the steps being taken to resolve it can help manage expectations, reduce frustration, and maintain trust in the business.

    4. Work with software vendors. If a vendor provides the software, working with them to resolve the issue can be an effective solution. Contact their support team and provide as much detail as possible about the problem, including any error messages or steps that led to the issue.

    5. Consider upgrading or replacing the software. If the software is outdated, no longer supported, or causing recurring issues, it may be time to consider upgrading or replacing it with a more reliable solution. This may involve investing in new software or moving to a cloud-based solution that is more scalable, reliable, and secure.

Jamie Irwin

Jamie Irwin

Head of Marketing at Privasee.
Percy Grunwald

Percy Grunwald

Full Stack Software Engineer and Co-Founder of

Test the Software in Different Environments

    ● Document the issue. When dealing with broken business software, it’s important to document the issue as thoroughly as possible. This includes any error messages, steps taken before the issue occurred, and the impact of the issue on business operations. Having a detailed record of the problem will make it easier to communicate with software vendors or IT support teams, and may help in finding a solution.

    ● Test the software in different environments. Testing the software in different environments can help identify whether the issue is specific to a particular computer or network setup. This can involve testing the software on a different computer, using a different network connection, or installing the software on a virtual machine. By isolating the issue, you can determine whether it is a software problem or an issue with your hardware or network.

    ● Check for software updates. Software vendors often release updates to fix bugs and other issues. Check if there are any updates available for your software and install them if they are. This may fix the issue you are facing. Keeping your software up-to-date can also help prevent future issues.

    ● Seek expert assistance. If you’re facing a complex software issue, consider seeking assistance from an expert in the software or technology you’re using. This can include hiring a consultant or contacting the software vendor’s technical support team. An expert may be able to provide a solution or help you optimize your software usage.

    ● Use alternative software. If the broken business software is critical to your operations and you’re unable to find a solution, consider using alternative software. While this may involve a learning curve and some initial cost, it may be the best option for maintaining business continuity. Make sure to research the alternatives and choose one that is compatible with your business operations and IT infrastructure.

Prevent a Repeat Performance

My best piece of advice for coping with faulty business software is to remain composed and methodical.

The first step is to determine how extensive the problem is. Is it a small issue that can be solved rapidly, or a major one that will need extensive programming changes? Once you have a firm grasp of the situation, you must relay that knowledge to those who need to know it, be it your staff or your clientele. Maintain open communication and never withhold information concerning the status of the operation.

Next, you should arrange the priority of the repairs according to its significance to your company. If the malfunctioning software is seriously interfering with your business or your clients’ businesses, fixing it should be a top priority. If the problem is not urgent, fixing it could be put off in favor of more pressing matters.

The last stage is to reflect on what went wrong and figure out how to prevent a repeat performance. That may include investing in a more reliable software infrastructure, revamping your development procedures, or upgrading your testing methods. The long-term success of your organization depends on your ability to avoid future software problems, which may be achieved by reflecting on past failures and adopting preventative action.

Vladimir Fomenko

Vladimir Fomenko

Director and Founder of Infatica.
Fred Hoffman

Fred Hoffman

Founder of The True Wilderness.

Check for Updates

    1. Take a deep breath. It can be incredibly frustrating to encounter broken software, but taking a step back and calming down can help you refocus and gain clarity.

    2. Talk to your IT department or software provider. In many cases, they may have experienced the same problem before and can offer helpful advice on how to solve it.

    3. Check for updates or patches to the software. Many software developers are constantly releasing fixes and improvements, so make sure you are running the latest version.

    4. Make sure your system meets the software’s requirements. If your system is not up to date or compatible with the software, then it will likely be more prone to breaking.

    5. Back up your data regularly. This way, if the software does break, you will still have a copy of all your important information and files.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.