What Are Crucial Considerations When Outsourcing App Development to an Agency?

Your app is your business, so choosing an agency to help with app development can feel overwhelming. How can you know who to trust to create the same vision you have? Some software vendors weighed in with which considerations you should make as you outsource your app development. Keep reading to find out which ones they say are crucial.
Leo Ye

Leo Ye

Founder and CEO of Cubo.

Project Management and Processes

Your application will be delivered successfully and promptly thanks in large part to the project management style and techniques utilized by the agency. Ask them about the methodology they use, such as Agile or Scrum, as well as how they manage the time frames, milestones, and potential risks associated with the project.

You will be able to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the development progress if the project management framework is well-defined. This will ensure that there is transparency and accountability. Look for a company that uses efficient tools and methods for project management to allow successful communication, task tracking, and issue resolution.

Examine Their Portfolio

It is essential, in my opinion, to do a comprehensive evaluation of an agency’s knowledge and experience in the sector before contracting it out to develop mobile applications. Look for a company that has a solid history of delivering successful app development projects as part of its track record. Examine their portfolio to see whether they have worked on projects that are comparable to the one you have, as this suggests that they are familiar with your business and the people you are trying to reach.

In addition, think about their knowledge of the particular technologies and platforms that are pertinent to the app development requirements you have. It is more likely that an experienced agency that has been around for a while, has worked on a variety of projects, and has a happy clientele would have the expertise required to bring your app concept to life.

Vikas Kaushik

Vikas Kaushik

CEO, TechAhead.
Maham Khan

Maham Khan

Head of Marketing at EVSTOR.

Quality Assurance and Testing

The process of developing an application must always include quality control and testing. Inquire about the methodology that the organization uses for testing, including the numerous kinds of testing that they carry out, such as compatibility testing across a variety of devices and platforms, performance testing, security testing, and functional testing.

Before the app is released to the public, a reputable company will have a comprehensive quality assurance procedure in place to detect and address any issues or bugs that may arise. In addition to this, they need to offer continuous assistance to address any post-launch issues or updates that may be necessary.

Technical Capabilities

The technical capabilities of an agency are necessary to ensure the effective creation of your app. Evaluate the company’s level of competence in the programming languages, frameworks, and platforms that are required for your app. A capable company should have a solid grasp of modern technologies like iOS and Android, in addition to cross-platform development frameworks.

In addition, you should evaluate their capabilities in areas like mobile app design, user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), backend development, and the integration of third-party systems. A solid technical foundation means that the agency can provide you with dependable and expandable software that is tailored to your particular requirements.

Graham McCormack

Graham McCormack

Founder of GrahamSEO.

Ollie Duff

Co-founder of Airtomic.


Our most important consideration is the level of expertise when looking to outsource app development. What languages, tech stacks, or frameworks do they have the most experience with? Making sure this aligns with your current stack is imperative.

We tend to look at the effective hourly rate to use as a comparison point when deciding whether to use an outside agency or contractor. We don’t just go for the cheapest hourly rate as more experienced developers can do the work much quicker so getting an estimated quote for the required project is key.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.